LifeMatters made the first parenting classes available online in 2002. Starting at $39 these classes are Guaranteed to be accepted by the Courts. Online Rapid and 8 week options offer free certificates and age-specific classes to help improve parenting skills using the powerful, practical parenting style based on Positive Discipline.
• Everything is 100% Online. Login Anytime 24/7
• Your login and password sent immediately
• No waiting for access to your class material
• Read class material online, pass true/false and multiple choice online test
• Your online test is available 24/7 and scored immediately
• Pass the test and your FREE Certificate is available immediately for printing
• Certificate of Completion accepted by courts or your money back. *Guaranteed
• Live help during business hours with our toll free number
These classes have been developed for parents who need to get a parenting class certificate as quickly as possible. Choose from 4 hour classes for young, schoolage and teen classes as well as 6, 8, and 10 hour Parenting Skills Classes. The principles in the postive parenting approach gives parents a complete non-punitive parenting model for raising confident, happy, cooperative children.

Rapid Certification Book Studies are Perfect for Mandatory Court Ordered Parenting Classes
Have a court date fast approaching?
Need comply fast with a court ordered class?
What does respectful and effective parenting mean? You know, how does it translate into being a good parent? It means learning how to treat your children as equal to yourself. No, they can't stay up until midnight when they are 5 or drive a car when they are ten. But, repsectful in the sense that their value as a person is equal to yours. These book study classes introduce a method of democratic, respectful, and effective parenting.
Quickly learn how to:
Raise happier, cooperative, responsible kids
Avoid spanking and grounding
Stop bribing, nagging and cajoling
Teach children how to learn from their mistakes
Watch children become responsible for their schoolwork
Stop being the referee in children's squabbles
Stop praising and start encouraging
Find simple solutions for tough problems
Respect kids like your friends
Take the guilt out of parenting

*Your Certificate of Completion Guarantee
Our online parenting classes have been accepted by courts nationwide. Parents, grandparents and teachers take our online classes for personal reasons and some to fulfill a legal requirement. If you need a Certificate of Completion, we encourage you read the information for court ordered parenting classes we provide for you and submit it to your social worker, lawyer or family court for pre-approval. We are so confident in the content and quality of our online classes, your Certificate of Completion is guaranteed to be accepted by the courts or your money back. Please read our parenting class guarantee for details.
You can also take a parenting young children class or return to our democratic and respectful parenting class list.
Author: Phyllis Grannis
The online Parenting Classes are educational in nature and the classes are not intended to be psychotherapy. If you feel you have specific mental health needs please consult your health care professional.