LifeMatters made the first parenting classes available online in 2002. Starting at $39 these classes are Guaranteed to be accepted by the Courts. Online Rapid Classes and online 8 Week Classes offer immediate free certificates and age-specific classes to help improve parenting skills using the powerful, practical parenting style based on Positive Discipline.
We are counselors and after working many years in private practice, offer online parenting education. We are expert parenting coaches committed to training parents in the principles and benefits of positive discipline.
There are 12 parenting classes to choose from. When a class is completed a Certificate of Completion is issued for the courts and/or child protection agencies. These classes are based on a respectful, democratic and practical approach to parenting with an emphasis on how to raise responsible, self-confident, cooperative children without being punitive or permissive.
A unique number
Name of class
Participants name
Date certificate was issued
Signature of parent facilitator
• Click Here to Print or Download Information to Give to Your Lawyer, Social Worker or Family Court
Rapid Certificate Online Parenting Classes (For a 4 Hour Certificate)
To earn a certificate a participant in a rapid class reads class material and must pass an online test. After passing the test their certificate is immediately ready for printing. All class material is 100% online and there is no waiting for a certificate to be mailed. The test is scored as soon as it is submitted. The rapid certificate classes are designed for parents who have been court ordered to take a 'general parenting class' or a ‘co-parenting divorce class' as a requirement of a divorce proceeding or custody hearing. We offer these high quality classes to support those parents who may not have access to in-person classes.
Rapid Certificate Online Parenting Classes• 100% Online. Start Immediately
• Login and password sent immediately, no waiting for access to class material
• Read the online class material and pass the true/false and multiple choice online test
• Online test is available 24/7 and scored immediately
• Pass the test and FREE Certificate is available immediately for printing
• Earn 4, 6, 8, and 10 hour Certificates of Completion, accepted by courts or your money back. *Guaranteed
• Click Here to Print or Download Information to Give to Your Lawyer, Social Worker or Family Court
Premium 8 Week Online Parenting Class with Online Parenting Coach and Free 8 Hour Certificate

A Premium 8 Week Online Parenting Class is as close as you can get to an in-person class and maintain flexibility in a busy schedule. These classes take a minimum of 8 weeks to complete and all class material is 100% online. These Premium 8 Week Classes are often preferred by the court because they are delivered over time so parents can actually put into practice what they are reading and learning. There is personal coaching by an expert parenting coach available 24/7 to help parents understand and implement positive discipline in their own family. After all, that’s the purpose of parenting classes...to change and improve parenting skills.
Premium 8 Week Online Parenting Class with Certificate
• 100% Online. Start Immediately
• Your login and password sent immediately, no waiting for access to your class material
• Read the class material, put it into practice in your family, complete feedback forms for certificate
• 8 hour Certificate of Completion, accepted by courts or your money back. *Guaranteed
Plus Only at LifeMatters.com. Not Available Anywhere Else! • Click Here to Print or Download Information to Give to Your Lawyer, Social Worker or Family Court This approach is based on the work of psychologist Alfred Adler and is a respected and proven method in raising cooperative, responsible children. Adler's concepts about children have been presented in many books by several authors. We have chosen to use the Positive Discipline series by Jane Nelsen, Ed.D, distinguished psychologist and educator. Her parenting book Positive Discipline, originally published in 1981 has remained a classic guide for helping children develop self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation and problem solving abilities. Along with co-authors, Ms. Nelsen has written over a dozen books focusing on implementing positive discipline for children of all ages We use the Positive Discipline books because: • Click Here to Print or Download Information to Give to Your Lawyer, Social Worker or Family Court Sample Certificate of Completion To apply for a certificate parents must certify the person for whom the certificate will be issued. Each participant must take his/her own class to receive a certificate. ALL VALID CERTIFICATES HAVE: Certificates are available for printing immediately upon
successfully completing the class requirements. The certificates are kept in our data base for authentication
purposes by individuals and agencies. You can call toll free 888.255.9757. Our online classes have been accepted by courts nationwide and are guaranteed to be accepted by the courts. If a Certificate of Completion isn't accepted by the courts, contact us and we will provide a full refund. Online Class Facilitators Phyllis Grannis , M. A., M.F.T. Thomas Cobb, M.A., M.F.T. Contact Information Author: Phyllis Grannis
• Personal coaching from an expert Parent Educator 24/7 DURING the 8 week classes
Positive Discipline books continue to be updated and revised
Positive Discipline uses examples that are current with today's culture and problems
Positive Discipline promotes discipline that focuses on solutions rather than logical consequences
Positive Discipline challenges the idea that children need to feel bad to do better
Positive Discipline redefines time-outs as positive rather than punitive
Positive Discipline emphasizes kind and firm discipline without being permissive
Positive Discipline is non-punitive, non-violent principles are
ideal for domestic violence issues
Positive Discipline emphasizes understanding why adults are responsible for many behavior problems
Positive Discipline gives us resources to enhance our online classes with audio and video
Positive Discipline Jane Nelson, Ed.D. continues to write, lecture and present workshops
A unique number
Name of class
Participants name
Date certificate was issued
Signature of parent facilitator
Marriage and Family Therapist
Parent Educator
Marriage and Family Therapist
Parent Educator
email: contact
phone: 1.888.255.9757
FAX: 425.977.1455
mail: WorldWorks Unlimited, 1275 4th Street #725, Santa Rosa, CA 95404