Stop Bruxing Now and Forever |
Price $
8 week class
Everything you need is online
General policies and guarantee
Have any questions about this class? Just call! |
Bruxing behavior...you have a habit of clenching your teeth
which over time causes and aggravates TMJ disorders (TemporoMandibular
Joint), and headaches. If you do not stop bruxing, it can
cause tooth damage, jaw joint damage and problematic changes
in the muscles of the jaw, head and neck that can be painful
and even debilitating. If you have a habit of bruxing, it
is imperative to stop. Yet, as we know breaking a long standing
habit is not easy.
If you have looked around for solutions, you have seen several
devices that stop your teeth from touching at night but don't
stop the underlying habit. We will show you how to stop the
habit of bruxing so you can obtain relief now and into the
Unconscious behavior?
Your bruxing habit is often unconscious and occurs
many times during the day and even at night.
We often hear people say, 'I didn't realize I was bruxing
so often'. And then when they become aware of their bruxing,
the same people say 'I notice I am bruxing all
the time but I don't know how to stop it'. While it
might be upsetting to finally realize you are bruxing constantly,
this is a positive stage. Becoming aware is the first
step and provides the foundation
for change.
This program starts with teaching you awareness skills to
detect bruxing and guides you how to change your bruxing behavior.
We provide anatomical education and support you in a step
by step approach. Each week for 8 weeks you will receive a
new lesson and be asked to practice preparing you for the
next lesson. We include a discussion board facilitated by
experts where you can ask questions and share your experiences
with other class members. In as little as 30 minutes a day
and for less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee, you can
learn how to stop daytime bruxing. But what about at night?
You can purchase this class
alone or with either of two powerful biofeedback instruments
The Antense and Myotrac muscle tension monitors give feedback
about how tense your jaw and face muscles are. It has been
our experience that with chronic bruxing and clenching that
the face muscles show evidence of chronic tension and to not
easily or quickly relax. In fact, it can take several weeks
to train the muscles how to relax down to normal. Our course
is designed to teach you step by step methods to return your
jaw muscle tension to normal thereby reducing pain and training
yourself to stop bruxing. Review the chart below to help decide
which muscle monitor is best for you.
How do you stop bruxing
at night?
When you stop bruxing during the day, you are now have an
excellent foundation for stopping night time bruxing. You
are literally retraining the brain to fire different neurons
and creating new habits. Once you have changed your daytime
habit of bruxing you can learn to carry this over into the
night time. While there are devices on the market designed
to help you stop bruxing at night, each of these devices have
problems. Either they wake you up and disturb your sleep or
don't wake you up and don't train you or they are difficult
to manage during the night. Our approach helps you naturally
carry over your new habits into the night.
When you purchase the Stop Bruxing Now class with the MyoTrac
Muscle Monitor, not only can you hear your muscles relax during
your daily practice so you know you are making progress and
training your muscles well, but the MyoTrac Muscle Monitor
can also serve as a night time bruxing alarm. We have talked
with many bruxers about the two other bruxing alarms on the
market and we believe that the MyoTrac offers the most reliable
feeback and is the best choice for a bruxing alarm.
Stop your bruxing now and forever!
If your bruxing doesn't improve
by systematically learning and applying the principles of
Stop Bruxing Now Program, just email us for a complete refund
of the cost of the program!
No Risk, now is the time to act!
What you get! |
Stop Bruxing Now Class |
SBN Class with Antense |
SBN Class with
Myotrac |
Step by Step instructions and techniques for reducing your bruxing habit |
8 online lessons teaching you how to incorporate the training into your life on a daily basis |
24/7 personal coaching during the class via online Discussion Board |
Obtain simultaneous feedback from all the muscles of head through a tone |
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Feedback threshold is adjustable within a preset sensitivity range. |
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Allows for precise measurement for any muscle of the head, neck and shoulders or any other muscle of the body through both a tone and light meter. |
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Feedback threshold adjustable through multiple sensitivity ranges |
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Greater flexibility of use on any muscle of the body |
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Night-Time Bruxing Alarm |
Real-time monitoring with meaningful feedback |
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Unlimited ongoing support and
coaching after completing the class |
No-risk, money back guaranteed on the program. |
Program guarantee
and 1 year manufacturer warranty on biofeedback
equipment |
Choose the right online
class for you!
To Start December 31st
You Must Sign Up Today!
Stop Bruxing
Now Class
8 lesson class
$ |
Stop Bruxing Now Class and Antense
Save $30
8 lesson class
Stop Bruxing Now
Class and MyoTrac
Save $50
8 lesson class
For $, The Stop Bruxing Now Class gives you everything to stop your bruxing and keep it under control!
FREE help from expert biofeedback
therapists for as long as you need it to control your bruxing
Recieve the support of experts for as long as it takes
to stop your bruxing
FREE training on the use of the biofeedback equipment
We will give you all the help you need to learn the right way to use the biofeedback devices.
FREE access to the class material
for as long as you need it
There is no time limit on accessing material in the program.
You have ongoing access to the material and support for as
long as you need it.!