Rectal Sensor EMG & Stim Price $72 In Stock - Ships within 1 business day U.S. Shipping Cost - $11.00 Shipping Method - USPS Priority Mail Policies |
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These rectal sensors also require UniGel electrodes. The UniGel electrodes are placed on the surface of the skin and act as an electronic reference point for the two active electrodes which are built into the Rectal Sensor
Accurate EMG Assessessment and Training of Pelvic Floor musclesEMG extender cables can also be used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles when placed on the surface of the pelvic floor.
We also carry Vaginal EMG and Stim Sensors to monitor and help strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
You can find Non-Stim Rectal and Vaginal EMG sensors for use with the U-Control Home Continence Trainor on our biofeedback accessories page.