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EDA Bioscan Information

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When you buy your EDA Bioscan from LifeMatters, you will automatically be eligible for unlimited support via email and an online discussion board. Your login to the discussion board will be sent to you with your shipping confirmation.

This device measures small electrical changes in your skin conductance, known as electrodermal activity (EDA). Your EDA changes when you react to anxiety and stressful thoughts.

The EDA BIOSCAN can help you learn about what causes you to feel stressed so that you can learn to manage stress in your life. You can use the EDA BIOSCAN to see tense you are and to easily train yourself to relax.

The EDA BIOSCAN not only measures your immediate stress response, known as state anxiety, but it also tells you about your overall stress, known as trait anxiety. By taking note of your trait anxiety reading, you can tell on a day-to-day basis if are becoming more relaxed or more anxious.

The EDA BIOSCAN comes complete with a comprehensive Operator's Manual which includes many fun exercises to practice and demonstrate electrodermal activity and biofeedback.

The sensors used by the EDA BIOSCAN hold both fingers at once and making them much sturdier to produce more reliable readings.

Each EDA BIOSCAN Comes Complete With:
• 9-Volt Alkaline Battery
• Ultra-Mini Stereo Headphones
• Sensor Cable
• Patch Cord
• Comprehensive Operator's Manual
• Blue Travel Bag

• 7 x 2.5 x 9cm / 2.5 x 1 x 3 1/2 inches
• Power - 9-volt battery
• Battery Life - Approximately 25 hours

Sensors - Uniquely designed and sturdy for reliable readings.
State Arousal Control - Adjust the pitch of the biofeedback tone (and bar graph) for monitoring state arousal.
Volume Contro - To adjust the volume of the biofeedback tone.
Variable Sensitivity Selection - More sensitive to measure slight emotions and less sensitive to practice relaxation.
Bar Graph - To 'see' state arousal and to set trait arousal.
CD/Tape Input - To listen to your favorite music, self-improvement CD/tape or recordings of life situations for which you want to learn stress mastery.
Power Source - Uses a 9-volt battery.

Quality - Designed and manufactured to highest standards

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